Product Details
+This Hand of Compassion Windchime is the perfect addition to a garden or outdoor space. Crafted with 31" of beads and brass bells, the chime emits a soothing and calming sound, creating a pleasant and peaceful atmosphere. The rustic, natural tones create a beautiful look and bring life to any outdoor landscape.
The Hand of Compassion is a symbol often associated with Buddhism and represents the compassionate actions and intentions of enlightened beings. It is also known as the "Karana Mudra" or the "Gesture of Compassion."
In Buddhist iconography, the Hand of Compassion is typically depicted with the palm facing outward and all fingers extended upward, except for the ring finger, which is folded towards the palm and held down by the thumb. This gesture symbolizes the act of dispelling fear and granting blessings.
The Hand of Compassion embodies the qualities of kindness, empathy, and alleviating the suffering of others. It represents the compassionate nature of enlightened beings, such as bodhisattvas or compassionate deities like Avalokiteshvara (Guanyin) in Mahayana Buddhism.
By displaying the Hand of Compassion, practitioners and followers of Buddhism seek to cultivate and express compassion in their thoughts, actions, and interactions with others. It serves as a reminder to extend compassion and loving-kindness to all beings and to actively engage in acts of benefit and support for the welfare and happiness of others.